
Friday, October 30, 2015

GIS I Lab 2: Downloading GIS Data


The purpose of this lab is to learn how to download and map data from the US Census Bureau.   


Objective 1: Download 2010 Census Data

To achieve this objective, I navigated to the US Census Bureau Fact Finder Website and utilized the Advanced Search function.  Under the Topics option, I chose "People, Basic Count/Estimate" and then "Population Total."  Under the Geography option, I chose "County 050," "Wisconsin," and "All Counties in Wisconsin."  Then, I scrolled through the provided data and located the variable P1 for Total Population from the 2010 SF1 Dataset.  I downloaded this file to my personal Lab 2 folder, extracting all files from the provided zip file.  

Objective 2: Download Shapefile of 2010 Census Boundaries

To achieve this objective, I navigated once more to the US Census Bureau Fact Finder Website and utilized the Advanced Search function again.  Under the Geographies option, I selected the Map tab, noting that the Wisconsin counties were highlighted.  I then downloaded this information to my personal Lab 2 folder, extracting all files from the provided zip file.  

Objective 3: Join Downloaded Data to Census Shapefile
To achieve this objective, I first opened up a blank map in ArcMap, being sure to save the file to my personal Lab 2 folder.  Then, I renamed the Layers data frame as "Population" and added the 05_00 shapefile (acquired in Objective 2) and the P1 table (acquired in Objective 1) to the map.  After this, I joined the two data files through clicking on the shapefile, selecting "Joins and Relates" and then "Join."  Upon opening the shapefile's attribute table, the joined data is visible in the last column entitled D001, which contains population data. 

Objective 4: Mapping Data
To achieve this objective, I needed to add a new field to the 05_00 shapefile, since the original D001 field was imported as a string field type and could not be mapped quantitatively.  This involved opening the shapefile's attribute table, selecting "Add Field," naming the new file (D001_new), and choosing the field type to be "Double."  Then, I right-clicked the newly added field, opened the Field Calculator, and selected the original D001 field.  After this, I was able to map Wisconsin's population by utilizing the shapefile's "Properties" window to select D001_new in the "Value" field as well as choose an appropriate color ramp and number of classes.  

Objective 5
: Mapping Another Variable

To achieve this objective, I returned to the US Census Bureau Fact Finder Website and selected another variable to download, namely Total Housing Units in Wisconsin by County.  I then followed the steps listed above in Objectives 2, 3, and 4 to download, unzip, and add, join, and map the data.  

Objective 6: Configure Map Layout

To achieve this objective, I first changed the projections of both data frames (Population and Housing) to NAD 1983 Wisconsin TM, which is more suitable for the state.  I then inserted a title, legend, scale, north arrow, base map and source for each map.  To make the layout cartographically pleasing, I utilized rulers and grid lines to neatly arrange my map elements.  Finally, I added a neat line around the entire layout.  

Objective 7: Create Webmap
To achieve this objective, I made a copy of my map document, as I wanted to preserve my original maps as well as create a new document displaying just the housing data for a webmap.  I then logged into my ArcGIS Online Account inside ArcMap.  After making necessary adjustments to the new document, I shared and configured my map through creating a web map service on ArcGIS Online.  


Figure 1: Maps displaying demographic and housing data

Figure 2: Interactive webmap displaying WI housing data;
located on ArcGIS Online here

The results of my methods are displayed above.  Figure 1 depicts both population and housing data; as would be expected, the maps are similar in that in locations where more people are present, there are more houses.   


U.S. Department of Commerce. (2015).  American Fact Finder. Retrieved from 

Friday, October 2, 2015

GIS I Lab 1: Base Data

Goal and Background: 

The purpose of this lab was to learn about various spatial data sets and how to accurately present them through creating a basic report featuring base maps.  This report concerns the Confluence Project, a new development in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin which will serve as a community arts center, university student housing, and a commercial retail complex.  


Objective 1: Explore various data sets for the City and County of Eau Claire

To achieve this objective, I used ArcMaps and provided spatial data to become familiar with the Eau Claire Geodatabase.  As a part of this, I explored various feature datasets, feature classes, including data regarding parcels, zoning, topology and census.  

Objective 2
: Digitize the site for the proposed Confluence Project

To achieve this objective, I created a new geodatabase in ArcCatalog.  I then added a feature class to this geodatabase, and imported the BlockGroups data from the Eau Claire Geodatabase.  After that, I added the pro_site feature class to the same data frame.  In order to begin the digitizing process, I opened the Editor Toolbar and utilized it to digitize the Confluence Project area.

Objective 3: Learn about the Public Land Survey System

To achieve this objective, I first inserted a new data frame and added a basemap imagery layer.  I then added the PLSS_Townships feature dataset from both of the Eau Claire Geodatabases.  Using the Properties window, I added numbers to the PLSS sections as well as utilized a stretched color scheme to highlight patterns.  I then identified the specific PLSS section in which the Confluence Project was located.  

Objective 4: Create a legal description for parcels and generate basic site report

To achieve this objective, I navigated to the City of Eau Claire's Property Search website.  After zooming in on Eau Claire and locating the two parcels involved in the Confluence Project, I clicked on each of them to collect the information needed to write a proper legal description for the parcels.  I also took a screenshot of each parcel selected and displayed its parcel ID.  The finished product is displayed below.  

Brief legal descriptions for Confluence Project properties' location of site in Public Land Survey System: 

Figure 1: Parcel 1

Parcel Number: 02-0365 
PIN: 1822122709200042068
Street Number:  128 
Street Name: Graham Ave. 
Owner's Name: Haymarket Concepts LLC 
Owner's Address: PO Box 617
Owner's City, State, Zip: Eau Claire, WI 54702

Legal Descriptions: LOTS 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 BLK 62 & THE 26 FT W OF E 84 FT OF LOTS 9 & 10 & EX E 140 FT ALL OF LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 62 VILLAGE OF EC ADD TID 8


Parcel Number: 02-0363 
Figure 2: Parcel 2
PIN: 1822122709200049005
Street Number: 202 
Street Name: Eau Claire St.
Owner's Name: Haymarket Concepts LLC 
Owner's Address: PO Box 617
Owner's City, State, Zip: Eau Claire, WI 54702

Legal Descriptions: PRT OF BLK 58 IN GOV LOT 4 BEING REPLATTED AS LOT 1 CSM 3037 REC V 17 P 95 DOC 1109271 LOC IN GOV LOT 4 SEC 20-27-9 TID 8 **FOR 2015 COMBINED PARCELS 02-0360-A, 02-0357, 02-0358, 02-0359, 02-0361, 02-0362

Objective 5: Build a layout with each of the major thematic feature classes

To achieve this objective, I created six different basemaps presenting various relevant data about the Confluence Project (Figure 1, below).  The maps addressed Civil Divisions, Census Boundaries, PLSS Features, EC City Parcel Data, Zoning, and Voting Districts.  

Process: To neatly organize my data, I utilized rulers and guidlines to set up six data frames.  I then added basemap imagery data to each data frame, as well as an appropriate title.  Each map required adding different data from the Eau Claire Geodatabases, and then adjusting transparency levels and color schemes to assure a pleasing map.  After the data was in place, I inserted a scale bar (in miles) as well as a legend for each map.  


The results of my methods are displayed below in the form of six basemaps.  Together they present useful information which could aid developers in decisions concerning the Confluence Project construction.

Figure 3: Finished Project


City of Eau Claire, WI (2015).  City of Eau Claire Property Search.  Retrieved from 

Zoning Districts and Maps (2011). Eau Claire.  Retrieved from Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.335.001.2161\LAB\lab1

Lippel, Irene D. (2000).  Understanding Wisconsin Township, Range and Section Land Descriptions. Geological and Natural Historical Survey.  Retrieved from Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.335.001.2161\LAB\lab1