The purpose of this lab is to utilize various geoprocessing tools for vector analysis in ArcGIS to determine a suitable habitat for bears in the study area of Marquette County, Michigan.Methods:
Objective 1: Map Black Bear Locations
To achieve this objective, I first opened ArcCatalog, navigated to my personal Lab 3 folder and examined the data stored there, taking note of the data's coordinate system. Then, I used the search function in ArcHelp to read more about adding x,y coordinate data as a layer. To add the bear locations as an XY event theme, I navigated to File, Add Data, and Add XY Data, filling out the pop up window with appropriate information. This included choosing "bear_locations_geo$" as the table as well as choosing the correct coordinate system, NAD_1983_HARN_Michigan_GeoRef_Meters.
Objective 2: Determine Forest Types
To achieve this objective, I added all of the feature classes from the bear_management_area data set to a data frame. I then changed the symbology of the landcover feature class to "unique values" based off of the MINOR_TYPE value field, choosing an appropriate color scheme. In order to determine the bear habitat, I performed a Spatial Join between the bears_locations and landcover feature classes to generate a new feature class which displays both the ID number of the bear and the land cover type in which it was found in the attribute table. After this, I used the Summarize tool on the MINOR_TYPE field to generate a table displayed the number of bears found in each type of habitat. The top three habitat types were Mixed Forest Land, Forested Wetlands, and Evergreen Forest Land.
Objective 3: Examine Black Bears & Streams
To achieve this objective, I utilized Select By Location to discover how many bears were found within 500 meters of a stream. Upon doing this, I found out that 72% of bears were found near streams, thus making this an important criterion in determining suitable bear habitats. I then performed a Buffer on the streams layer to create a buffer of 500 meters around the streams feature class.
Objective 4: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat Regarding Streams & Landcover
To achieve this objective, I first performed a Query upon the landcover feature class to select the top three habitat types and created a separate feature class from this selection. Then, I performed an Intersect using that landcover_top3 feature class and the streams500 feature class created in Objective 3. I then used the Dissolve tool to remove the internal boundaries.
Objective 5: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat in Michigan DNR Areas
To achieve this objective, I first added the dnr_mgmt feature class to my ArcMap document. Since this feature class included superfluous information about DNR areas in all of Marquette County, I performed a Clip using the study_area feature class to create a feature class showing only the DNR areas within the study area. Then, I performed a Dissolve upon the newly created feature class to remove the internal boundaries. After this, I used the Intersect tool on the dnr_mgmt and landcover_top3 feature classes.
Objective 3: Examine Black Bears & Streams
To achieve this objective, I utilized Select By Location to discover how many bears were found within 500 meters of a stream. Upon doing this, I found out that 72% of bears were found near streams, thus making this an important criterion in determining suitable bear habitats. I then performed a Buffer on the streams layer to create a buffer of 500 meters around the streams feature class.
Objective 4: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat Regarding Streams & Landcover
To achieve this objective, I first performed a Query upon the landcover feature class to select the top three habitat types and created a separate feature class from this selection. Then, I performed an Intersect using that landcover_top3 feature class and the streams500 feature class created in Objective 3. I then used the Dissolve tool to remove the internal boundaries.
Objective 5: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat in Michigan DNR Areas
To achieve this objective, I first added the dnr_mgmt feature class to my ArcMap document. Since this feature class included superfluous information about DNR areas in all of Marquette County, I performed a Clip using the study_area feature class to create a feature class showing only the DNR areas within the study area. Then, I performed a Dissolve upon the newly created feature class to remove the internal boundaries. After this, I used the Intersect tool on the dnr_mgmt and landcover_top3 feature classes.
To achieve this objective, I utilized Select By Location to discover how many bears were found within 500 meters of a stream. Upon doing this, I found out that 72% of bears were found near streams, thus making this an important criterion in determining suitable bear habitats. I then performed a Buffer on the streams layer to create a buffer of 500 meters around the streams feature class.
Objective 4: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat Regarding Streams & Landcover
To achieve this objective, I first performed a Query upon the landcover feature class to select the top three habitat types and created a separate feature class from this selection. Then, I performed an Intersect using that landcover_top3 feature class and the streams500 feature class created in Objective 3. I then used the Dissolve tool to remove the internal boundaries.
Objective 5: Determine Suitable Black Bear Habitat in Michigan DNR Areas
To achieve this objective, I first added the dnr_mgmt feature class to my ArcMap document. Since this feature class included superfluous information about DNR areas in all of Marquette County, I performed a Clip using the study_area feature class to create a feature class showing only the DNR areas within the study area. Then, I performed a Dissolve upon the newly created feature class to remove the internal boundaries. After this, I used the Intersect tool on the dnr_mgmt and landcover_top3 feature classes.
Objective 6: Eliminate Unsuitable Areas
To achieve this objective, I first performed a Query on the landcover feature class to select all of the Urban or Built Up land, creating a separate feature class entitled urbanland from this selection. Then, I used the Dissolve tool to remove the internal boundaries. After this, I performed a Buffer of 5 kilometers on the urbanland feature class. Then, I utilized the Erase tool, using dnr_mgmt as the input and urbanland as the erase feature to create the output feature class final_hab, which displays the suitable areas for bear habitats.
Objective 7: Create Map & Data Flow Model
To achieve this objective, I created a cartographically pleasing map that displayed suitable areas for bear habitats. After this, I created a data flow model depicting the steps I used during this lab. Both the map and data flow model are displayed below in the Results section.
Objective 8: Python Application
Figure 1: Python Commands |
To achieve this objective, I utilized Python in ArcMap to write buffer, intersect, and erase commands using the bear habitat data.
![]() |
Figure 2: Data Flow Model |
![]() |
Figure 3: Final Map |
The results of my methods are displayed above.
Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships. (2014). Michigan Geographic Framework: Marquette County. Retrieved from Center for Geographic Information. (2002). Michigan 1992 NLCD Shapefile by County. Retrieved from
Michigan Department of Natural Resources. (2001). Wildlife Management Units. Retrieved from
State of Michigan. (2015). GIS Open Data. Retrieved from
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